Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Weekly (more like monthly) Drawings

Life tends to be hectic at times, and this is definitely one of those. In the past month, I have taken my Fundamentals of Engineering exam (which required a ton of last minute studying), looked for a job, go frustrated looking for a job, quit looking for a job, started again then quit then started again, and started applying for Gradschool. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm kind of freaking out about my future follow graduation. Fortunately, after all that frustration, I've come to the decision that unless I get an offer from a one of the three companies I really wanna work for, I'm going to go to Gradschool and study Acoustic Engineering (hoping that I get accepted somewhere)!! But now, to the real point at hand... somehow, among the chaos and frustration of the past month, I have found time to draw! So here are some of the drawings and sketches I have done. Enjoy!

These first two are concepts for a Drawing I project involving hands and magic. I went with the second one with the "Hadouken".

This is a drawing I did a long time ago but never finished. One of my friends really liked it so I inked it for him.

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