Wednesday, July 18, 2012


When I was young I was obsessed with lines. Long wavy lines that I could manipulate in order to create a real unique drawing. Most of my drawings back then started out with a few lines on a page which I could then develop into a drawing. I feel it is a great exercise, specially if you're working on perspective; start with going into a vanishing point or two, and create something surrounding the lines. Here are some line drawings I was able to find since I last moved.

The two above I started by drawing two lines down the page. The one on the left has the lines incorporated into the drawing, and the one on the right I used the lines simply as a guide for there to draw in order to guide the eye into the page.
In High School I started playing classical guitar. I drew this in Colombia, after my  Dad gave me his old guitar. I couldn't play too well at the time so I figured, "why not draw it?".
On a larger note, I was obsessed with surrealism. This could have been for two reasons; either I listened to too much Pink Floyd at the time, or I watched Fantasia too many times as a kid. Who knows...

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