Thursday, July 26, 2012

No time to draw.. :/

So it's been rather difficult to develop comics lately, seeing as i'm creeping on the end of the summer semester and trying to move to my new place. But in the mean time, here are a couple sketches from my sketchbook. Down bellow are two drawings I did about 2 years ago.


Drawing inspired by the Pixies song "Monkey Gone to Heaven".                    Amy Pond floating in space. Doctor Who Sketch.

I love working with shadows. You can do so many different variations all resulting in a different picture. All invoking a different emotion.

These two I did during my first art class in college. I was just learning how to work with contrast properly, and I wanted to these two drawing to display the extremes; the darkest darks and the lightest lights. That's why part of the drawing is left with simply the outline of the figure.

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