Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome To Angry Buddha Comics!

Nuclear Snowman
Hello Everyone! And welcome to my new blog! I am really excited about this blog, mainly because it is my first. In this blog, you will see various art works and stories I come up with, as well as comic ideas I have been developing for the past couple of years. The guy you see above is a snowman I often doodle on things when I'm bored, and you will probably see him around from time to time. His story has a rather somber tone to it. His life before he became as he is now is unknown, but how he became this way is where this story begins. On a rather beautiful morning in January, John (John is his name) woke up to find that during the night, a snowstorm had taken the liberty of reshaping his yard. As he looked out his window that morning, his only desire was to see what wonders the white fluff outside had to offer. He hoped into his boots, wrapped himself in his snow jacket, and ran out the door, almost forgetting his gloves. "Don't wanna get frostbite now, do we?" he said with a smile on his face. But his eagerness to explore this new terrain blinded him from an even graver terror looming over the dark horizon. As he rolled around in the cold snow, John had no idea that at that very moment, a nuclear war head was preparing to explode in the sky, precisely above his home. Maybe it was that his excitement manage to fight back the radiation, or perhaps it was like being in the eye of a hurricane; since the eye of the storm is always the safest, why cant this be the same for nuclear weapons?. Personally, I like to think his love for the snow around him caused his consciousness to cling to that very thing which he so loved. As he sunk into the snow angle he was forming, John opened his eyes just in time to see the explosion above him. "A most beautiful explosion it was really" he thinks now, but we all know he couldn't have been thinking that at the time. None the less, he survived. Many people that morning around him were playing in the snow that had decorated their yards throughout the night , but no one was left to accompany him. Now, transformed into a half skeleton half snowman, he rolls around the land, looking for some company to pass the nuclear winter. His journey begins here, but where will it end?

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