Friday, October 12, 2012

4 Months I've been angry!

Good day everyone!

I started this blog 4 months ago now, and I just wanted to thank everyone (friend and stranger) who has visited the site. I hope all my posts have been enjoyable and that they keep you wanting more. I also want to encourage everyone to post comments and give me feedback about my comics and art. There is always room for improvement, and I would love to know what your favorite part of Angry Buddha Comics is. What posts did you like, or not like? What do you think should be revised? What keeps bringing you back, and is there something you would like to see happen at Angry Buddha Comics? Maybe you would like to see the Shadow Puppet boys get into some crazy adventure, or encounter your favorite character, or maybe you're curious about what John the Nuclear Snowman does to pass the nuclear winter. Make sure to FOLLOW if you have a Google or Blogger account, and keep viewing, I'll keep posting!!


  1. Hiya! I am very interested in if you have a lot of subscribers to this blogging resource?

  2. Well I haven't done much on the blog in a while so no lol. but if you could spread it around it would be awesome!
    Thanks for commenting!
