Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Weekly (more like monthly) Drawings

Life tends to be hectic at times, and this is definitely one of those. In the past month, I have taken my Fundamentals of Engineering exam (which required a ton of last minute studying), looked for a job, go frustrated looking for a job, quit looking for a job, started again then quit then started again, and started applying for Gradschool. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm kind of freaking out about my future follow graduation. Fortunately, after all that frustration, I've come to the decision that unless I get an offer from a one of the three companies I really wanna work for, I'm going to go to Gradschool and study Acoustic Engineering (hoping that I get accepted somewhere)!! But now, to the real point at hand... somehow, among the chaos and frustration of the past month, I have found time to draw! So here are some of the drawings and sketches I have done. Enjoy!

These first two are concepts for a Drawing I project involving hands and magic. I went with the second one with the "Hadouken".

This is a drawing I did a long time ago but never finished. One of my friends really liked it so I inked it for him.

Friday, October 12, 2012

4 Months I've been angry!

Good day everyone!

I started this blog 4 months ago now, and I just wanted to thank everyone (friend and stranger) who has visited the site. I hope all my posts have been enjoyable and that they keep you wanting more. I also want to encourage everyone to post comments and give me feedback about my comics and art. There is always room for improvement, and I would love to know what your favorite part of Angry Buddha Comics is. What posts did you like, or not like? What do you think should be revised? What keeps bringing you back, and is there something you would like to see happen at Angry Buddha Comics? Maybe you would like to see the Shadow Puppet boys get into some crazy adventure, or encounter your favorite character, or maybe you're curious about what John the Nuclear Snowman does to pass the nuclear winter. Make sure to FOLLOW if you have a Google or Blogger account, and keep viewing, I'll keep posting!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week sketches

Here are some sketches I have done throughout this week!
I bought some new pens and markers, so I've been practicing using more color in my drawings. I still need a lot of practice with inking, but I've been practicing with my Wacom tablet, that way if I mess up I can always ctrl+Z!!

 Me as The Flash when I was a kid on the left and The Joker on the right. The Joker was featured here.

Hellboy on the left and Avatar Aang from Avatar: The Legend Of Korra on the right. Not my best Hellboy, but I do like how his right arm turned out. Also, I have a limited supply of markers, so I didn't have more reds to give Hellboy more dynamics, and I had to do the blue on Aang on my Autodesk Sketchbook Pro because my light blue marker dried out :\.

Uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I really like how this one turned out.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

deviantArt Contest

So I finally made a deviantArt account! As soon as I made it I uploaded just a few works I had done, most of which have been featured on Angry Buddha Comics, and I got a few comments, which was great! But the most interesting thing was that I started receiving messages about contests and events and all sorts of other notices. One of those contests notices was about a stock project called Stockocalypse. Basically, you chose from three different stock images, and reinvent it with a post-apocalyptic theme. I waited way too long to make mine, and pulled an all nighter last night and this is what I came up with!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1000+ VIEWS!!

Angry Buddha Comics is up to 1001 views total! Thanks for viewing my blog, and keep on visiting!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Bird In A Cage

Before I moved to my new apartment, I started sketching this drawing out. My roommate saw it and quite liked it, so I decide it to give it to her. It is one of the first watercolor paintings I've done in years, but without a doubt one of my favorites. Later, I started thinking of writing a poem surrounding this idea. I found the title of the painting, though simplistic, could be developed nicely to fit a more lyrical interpretation. If anything else it could serve as good practice. Finally, on my trip to Houston this past weekend, I figured the plane an appropriate setting to write this poem. I knocked it out on the flight down, and revised it on my flight back home. Worked out rather well, wouldn't you say?

Many a times you wish to run

Wish to fly, to go beyond

To wonder freely through the world

Escape the life that fate has spun

But think now of bird in a cage

He has no freedom in this place

A bird in a cage can't fly away

He only stays, and sings all day

If he could fly off to the sun

He'd feel its warmth from high above

He'd relive dreams he knew before

Dreams only freedom could bestow

But for this lonely little bird

Dreams are dreams and nothing more

A bird in a cage wont fly away

He only stays and sighs all day

In his heart a burning flame

Consumes the dreams he'll never claim

For he can never leave his cage

The skies he never will embrace

But if at last this bird is free

He may not trust enough to leave

A bird in cage who flew away

Only to stay another day  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Angry Buddha Comics on Haitus

Dear readers,

I have not had time to prepare a new comic for this weekend. 

Angry Buddha Comics will resume production next weekend!

À bientôt!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shadow Puppets #1

Today marks ONE MONTH my blog has been going! After finishing classes and settling into my new place, I finally have time to draw and write again!
This is a comic strip I've wanted to draw for a while, just never got it right before. After many sketches though, I finally got this sequence.

... and there's more to come! Hope ya'll enjoyed it!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

No time to draw.. :/

So it's been rather difficult to develop comics lately, seeing as i'm creeping on the end of the summer semester and trying to move to my new place. But in the mean time, here are a couple sketches from my sketchbook. Down bellow are two drawings I did about 2 years ago.


Drawing inspired by the Pixies song "Monkey Gone to Heaven".                    Amy Pond floating in space. Doctor Who Sketch.

I love working with shadows. You can do so many different variations all resulting in a different picture. All invoking a different emotion.

These two I did during my first art class in college. I was just learning how to work with contrast properly, and I wanted to these two drawing to display the extremes; the darkest darks and the lightest lights. That's why part of the drawing is left with simply the outline of the figure.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Go see the new Batman!!

On Friday night I saw "The Dark Knight Rises" and it inspired me to do these two drawings. I'm still not as comfortable with ink as I would like to be, so it seemed like a great time to practice it. Hope ya'll like them!

... Also, go see the movie. It was incredible!

The Penguin.

Here is the progression of my Joker drawing. It took me a while to get the eyes right. Eyes can be a tricky thing. Either they come out exactly as you want them to, or you draw them 50 different times until you end up with something you maybe like. I got lucky. After 30-some times I got these, which I was really content with.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


When I was young I was obsessed with lines. Long wavy lines that I could manipulate in order to create a real unique drawing. Most of my drawings back then started out with a few lines on a page which I could then develop into a drawing. I feel it is a great exercise, specially if you're working on perspective; start with going into a vanishing point or two, and create something surrounding the lines. Here are some line drawings I was able to find since I last moved.

The two above I started by drawing two lines down the page. The one on the left has the lines incorporated into the drawing, and the one on the right I used the lines simply as a guide for there to draw in order to guide the eye into the page.
In High School I started playing classical guitar. I drew this in Colombia, after my  Dad gave me his old guitar. I couldn't play too well at the time so I figured, "why not draw it?".
On a larger note, I was obsessed with surrealism. This could have been for two reasons; either I listened to too much Pink Floyd at the time, or I watched Fantasia too many times as a kid. Who knows...