Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1000+ VIEWS!!

Angry Buddha Comics is up to 1001 views total! Thanks for viewing my blog, and keep on visiting!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Bird In A Cage

Before I moved to my new apartment, I started sketching this drawing out. My roommate saw it and quite liked it, so I decide it to give it to her. It is one of the first watercolor paintings I've done in years, but without a doubt one of my favorites. Later, I started thinking of writing a poem surrounding this idea. I found the title of the painting, though simplistic, could be developed nicely to fit a more lyrical interpretation. If anything else it could serve as good practice. Finally, on my trip to Houston this past weekend, I figured the plane an appropriate setting to write this poem. I knocked it out on the flight down, and revised it on my flight back home. Worked out rather well, wouldn't you say?

Many a times you wish to run

Wish to fly, to go beyond

To wonder freely through the world

Escape the life that fate has spun

But think now of bird in a cage

He has no freedom in this place

A bird in a cage can't fly away

He only stays, and sings all day

If he could fly off to the sun

He'd feel its warmth from high above

He'd relive dreams he knew before

Dreams only freedom could bestow

But for this lonely little bird

Dreams are dreams and nothing more

A bird in a cage wont fly away

He only stays and sighs all day

In his heart a burning flame

Consumes the dreams he'll never claim

For he can never leave his cage

The skies he never will embrace

But if at last this bird is free

He may not trust enough to leave

A bird in cage who flew away

Only to stay another day  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Angry Buddha Comics on Haitus

Dear readers,

I have not had time to prepare a new comic for this weekend. 

Angry Buddha Comics will resume production next weekend!

À bientôt!